Famous Baxter
by Cindy's Creative Corner
Famous Baxter
Cindy's Creative Corner
Photograph - Photography
This is a picture of our furbaby Baxter on a snowy morning. Baxter doesn't like his picture taken so I'm surprised this one turned out as well as it did. He got his 3 seconds of fame as a result. Our local news channel asked for photos of the snow and I submitted this one. He was picked and I still hear the newscaster saying 'oh how cute' when his picture popped up on the screen.
We had to say good bye to our sweet boy 6.27.2023 due to a mass on his liver. He will be forever loved and greatly missed.
May 31st, 2022
Comments (13)
Nikolyn McDonald
Who could resist the tilt in the head and the pleading eyes here? Not I! Adorable pet photo.
Sharon W
Aww, such a precious baby doll and darling capture. I'm so sorry for your loss, they remain with us forever. I know how difficult it is, I have lost so many, they are family to us, or even better. Hopefully as happy as can be in another space and time. A beautiful tribute photo.
Sabina Pamfili
oh, dear sweet face of Baxter. I love the look on his face with his little white teeth showing. Soooo cute.
Cindy's Creative Corner replied:
Thank you Sabina, he's older now and has had some dental work, now when he smiles there's a gap between his teeth but he's still cute!